July 27, 2015
Contact: Mike Trujillo
Nanette Barragán Announces Campaign Team
Includes Political Veterans with Extensive California Experience,
Including Bill Burton, Mike Trujillo, Amy Levin, Chris Esposito and Mark Nevins
SAN PEDRO, CA – Today, Nanette Barragán announced the team of political experts and consultants working to get her elected to Congress in California’s 44th District. Nanette’s campaign had a successful start, raising over $160,000 in the second quarter raising more than Senator Isadore Hall did in his first quarter of fundraising.
Leading the campaign is manager Mike Trujillo. Trujillo is a veteran in California politics, particularly in CA-44. He worked with then-Councilwoman Janice Hahn in 2010, as a strategist for Councilman Joe Busciano in his surprising victory in 2012, and most recently for Dr. Richard Vladovic who was re-elected to the School Board in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). All three of these candidates resided in the San Pedro area.
“I’ve worked with talented candidates in this district for years, and I know what it takes to win,” said Trujillo. “Nanette is an ideal candidate. She is from the area, she understands what the people here care about, and she is passionate about making change. I am looking forward to helping her cross the finish line and take her place in Congress.”
Barragán also signed the nationally known SKDKnickerbocker to be her media consulting firm, led by veteran political communications expert Bill Burton in Los Angeles. Burton brings 15 years of experience helping congressional and presidential candidates. He served as the national press secretary for President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, and was a part of the DCCC senior leadership that won control of the House of Representatives for the Democrats in 2006.
Also on the team is Amy Levin, a partner with Benenson Strategy Group and head of the firm’s Los Angeles office. In the political sphere, Amy has worked with candidates across the country – including San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and California State Senator Ben Allen – as well as on progressive issues with leading advocacy institutions like EMILY’s List, Planned Parenthood, and the League of Conservation Voters. She has also polled for the DSCC and DGA in a range of states.
Chris Esposito and Mark Nevins join the team from the Dover Group, one of the leading direct mail and digital firms in the country. Esposito formerly worked for EMILY’s List, where he helped elect pro-choice Democratic women Governors, U.S. Senators and U.S. Congresswomen in Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and Western states. Nevins, a USC alum and former press secretary in the Washington, DC office of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, has helped developed winning direct mail programs for races from Hawaii to Massachusetts.
Barragán, the daughter of immigrants from Mexico, grew up in Carson and the surrounding areas where she attended Stephen M. White Middle School, learned to swim at Carson Pool, and studied at the Carson Library. She worked her way through UCLA and law school at USC before becoming a long-time advocate for the environment and the first elected Latina member of the Hermosa Beach City Council. She was also a leader in the fight against Measure O, a ballot measure that would have allowed oil companies to drill for oil in the Santa Monica Bay.
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