August 14, 2015
Contact: Mike Trujillo

mike barraganforcongress com                                                                                

Nanette Barragán Releases Statement on the 80th Anniversary of Social Security

SAN PEDRO, CA – Nanette Barragán, Democratic candidate in California’s 44th Congressional District, issued the following statement today on the 80th anniversary of Social Security:

“For me, the idea of protecting Social Security for the millions of seniors who need it is very personal.  My mom relies on Social Security in her retirement to make sure she never has to worry about paying for medicine, groceries or rent. For her, and for millions like her, Social Security is a safety net that ensures economic security and provides peace of mind in the later years. Considering the sacrifices millions of moms, dads and grandparents made to help raise us and make this country great, providing that security is the least we can do. While the program may have its challenges, I believe we can make some reasonable, common-sense changes to protect and preserve it for the next generation. That will be my priority in Congress.”

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2015-08-14T10:29:13-07:00 August 14th, 2015|Nanette Barragán news|